It's the final stretch of 2013! Last EOS exam block. It's been a very busy and stressful period of time. I'll post some photos of random things I've taken over the last couple of days/weeks? Hope you enjoy!
Studying physiology. I get bored, and when I have highlighters, I tend to do weird things.
Last day of class with Katie! :) We went to get lunch and have a chat about lyf3 yo. I'm so glad to have her. She's an advocate of attendance - that's something I really like about her. You can depend on Katie to be in class and be able to sit with! She's also very lovely and energetic person, which I admire. So blessed to have completed childcare and yrs 1 and 2 of university with her!
Saturday study days - madtongsan with my brother and Jeffy. Very yummy I think it's pork and veges with rice. Exactly what I need on a hot day (it was aircon inside I ended up having to wear J's jacket). I used to not like madtongsan, but now I do for some reason. I think it's taken over pho for me because I think I've gotten a bit sick of it. I'll probs soon get sick of this place soon too though haha
My mum's very supportive. She gives me massages and brings drinks, fruit and random food for me all the time! It's so nice and energising, especially when study drains me. I've been primarily studying this subject, OCTY 2210 - I don't know the name of it, but it's centred around physical/perceptual/cognitive adult rehabilitation post stroke/neurological conditions. It's a MASSIVE subject - weeks 5-13 with 5 hours of content per week. I've tried to do all of this in a week, and I've read through lectures, text books, typed up notes, written out notes, read through revision documents, past exam papers etc. etc.!!!! Tiring as bruh
Crispy pork and vege laksa @ little singapore. Very yummy. It was massive, so Jeffy and I just shared.
One of the girls in our OT cohort created a list of revision questions the night before the exam.
Everybody joined together and completed it (very very long document) and used it as a study tool. I love our cohort!!
The past exam questions where also added. There were so many people on it - about 30 people on at a time for like the whole night. Even the morning of the exam, there were quite a few people on. So good.
My friend Bonnie created this document - she's always a champion :) Also google uses a funny system to name users online. Anonymous animals - there's anonymous penguin, anonymous anteater, anonymous nyan cat and even anonymous kraken! So funny :)
Exam day!! Jeffy picked me up in the morning at 6:45 and we parked our car and bussed to uni. His exam was at 8, so we split ways and I met up with Trang in the psychology bldg. It was like empty and quiet - so good. Trang had to move away from BSL because apparently some guy was talking really loudly about his biology study haha (T-cells or something!) - I went through most of the notes (there were some things I accidentally missed out) and felt really hungry.. So Trang went and got a pumpkin sandwich that contained: pumpkin bread (my favourite!), tomato, lettuce, onion, cheese, chicken, cucumber, carrot - so gourmet!! It was massive so we shared - I think it took me like half an hr to eat it. Jeffy finished his exam really early - an hr or so? So he came and accompanied us studying. Very good moral support ^_^ <3 Before the exam commenced, at 11:15, Trang and I went to get some chocolate to give our brains some glucose for energy, peed, went in!!
Imo, it was pretty easy - I could remember pretty much everything (Praise GOD!) and I finished 45 minutes early - cbb staying for longer I wanted to bail haha. Apparently people didn't get enough time to finish?? I thought we had plenty of time. I met up with Jeffy and we bussed back and went to Rainbow Tea to get a drink (thirsty as, and water doesn't cut it!). I got a mango smoothie, and he got a mango green tea with rainbow jelly. First exam done, 3 more to go!