Reflecting (OTs are very good at this) back on last year, I would say that I've done things, learnt things, and experienced things I haven't before. I'm not the same person I was two years ago (dw I'm the same person, I just know how to deal with things better than before... and I still like chocolate). 2013 was a good year, but to step it up a notch, I've been contemplating what I will change this year.
1. Note-taking at uni. Since I started, I've been constantly changing the way I do this. From writing on plain paper in teeny tiny writing, to writing in A5 notepads, A4 notepads, taking notes on the lecture slides, taking notes by hand on lined paper during the lecture, typing during the lecture, summarising my notes in word documents, printing out lecture notes and writing on it during lectures, the list is endless! I've been thinking about in some detail (an understatement) and the decision for this year is to print out lecture notes, take notes on that during the lecture and summarising everything on a word document. I will then store it all in a big binder folder. In the past, I've always used display folders which has proven to be inconvenient. The reason why I want to use a binder folder is so that you can slot in loose worksheets/booklets and not have to remove everything and shift it to fit something in. Everything will be in one place = stress free. I don't know why I didn't come up with this earlier. In my defence, I needed to try everything out before I could formulate the perfect way to do things. It only took me two years!
2. Commitments. I've thought about this long and hard, and I've reached a consensus. This year, I will be committing myself to FX (meetings once a month | one year duration), small group (every week | forever), IT/powerpoint (once a month | at least this year --> until I decide to stop), music team (once a fortnight | at least this year --> until I decide to stop), Bible Study Fellowship (once a week | 7 years), Sunday School (once a week | at least this year --> until I decide to stop). There will be a lot on my plate, with uni/placement/work/relationships on top of that, but to be honest, this is the year to go hard. I've heard from various sources that third year of OT is most relaxed you're going to get. It's now or never. I need to stop being a chicken and step up and face it like a man! I need to trust God with all my heart, for He is my strength.
3. Work. Due to my uni timetable, I'm not able to free up one day to work at Mackenzie anymore. No more $28/hr :( Oh well. In first semester I will continue to work at the hospital, but when I move to second semester, the job will be handed over to YY (who is currently in need of a job) because I'll be on full time placement. This will continue until mid 2015 when I will be able to take up that job again (end of placement). In the mean time, I'll start searching for some sort of carer job for me to work on Saturdays once a week. I'll be poor, but that's life.
4. Dating. Jeffy will be starting a full time job in March. This means that he will only be free on Sundays and nights. We'll be out a couple nights a week due to our commitments, so we will see each other much less frequently. Upon reflection, I realised how blessed we already are. God gave us last year + these 2 months of summer holidays to see each other a lot. We had a pretty good chance to get to know each other from back to front and to develop our relationship. Now that we are more stable, we are more prepared to spend less time with each other and treasure the moments we have together. It'll be a big adjustment - currently we see each other every day. We'll take it as it goes though!
5. Relationships. Investing more quality time into friendships and family. Being around more and caring more. Dating took a lot of time and energy from me last year, so I hope that I can be a better friend, daughter and sister this year.
6. Pursuing Interests. These holidays I've come to realise that I've ditched/sidelined my hobbies! Reading, drawing and music have been things I've grown up with man! I haven't had any photoshop-like software since high school because I've been too frugal to spend ~$200 on CS6. But I think now's the time to go for it. I've been holding out for too long. I need to reignite my artistic side again!
7. Getting Organised. My aim is to keep my workspace and room tidy. I won't be a really bad hoarder and keep every parking ticket and tags from the clothes I buy. I'll keep my clothes IN my wardrobe and wash the bathroom every week. I'll also keep myself updated with study.