Saturday, 26 October 2013

The start of something new!

Blogging has always been a part of my teenage years. I've had numerous blogs that I've forgotten about (that I wish I could look back at) and neglected. I always do this kind of post at the start of a new blog, but I created this because I finally figured out that there would be a good chance I could keep up with blogging under the following circumstances:
  1. I post infrequently 
  2. I don't ramble on about the plot my day (e.g. this happened, then this, and then I did this etc.) haha 
  3. I focus more on thoughts, concepts, realisations, ideas - I think that would be far more interesting for me to write about and for people to read
  4. I put up a few pretty photos :) gotta have that! 
I hope to share a lot about myself, but after all, it is a blog and I know the general public has access to this, so I'll try to keep things that must be kept private, private! :) Afterall, I do have a separate diary that I hand-write memorable things in, but that's private :D 

I hope you enjoy reading!

p.s. meldy is the affectionate nickname my boyfriend has made for me - didn't just forget how to spell my name haha