When you first think about it, one year is a pretty short time. To me, it felt like ages. Time went by so slowly.. maybe because it's actually been 1 yr + 3 months, not sure? Anyways today finally came. A year ago, Jeffy was stressing his head off because he was about to go ask my parents if he could date me. They didn't say "yes", just "are you going to put it on facebook?" I guess that essentially meant yes. I would say a lot has changed in one year's time. J and I progressed pretty quickly, so we basically took intensive course on each other. One of our church friends said to Jeff: "it seems like you guys have been dating for ages. 2-3 years?" It sure feels like that long! Anyways, Jeff scared me when he said he had already bought a present for me.. I had completely forgotten I had to get him something!!! I quickly whipped up a card and present in no time:

Jeffy couldn't wait to give me his present, so he just gave it to me a couple of days ahead of schedule. It's a bluetooth/wireless speaker! I've always complained about not having one when I'm around the house e.g. when I'm baking I just want some music to listen to!! I always thought of just buying a cheap one, but Jeffy got me the good stuff! He even chose green as well (my favourite colour) ^_^ <3 I love it, and I use it everyday! He did something pretty special with the present as well. He cut a hole in the box and wrapped paper up to make a little stick so that when you press down on it, it turns the thing on. When I hadn't unwrapped the present yet, he asked me to press down on the protrusion and A bitter day by HyunA started playing! I was like confused whaaaaa :O then unwrapped the present :D yay! Turns out you can control the speaker with your phone, so that's what Jeffy did to make it start playing.

We planned to go to George's Paragon in the city, but we couldn't find parking/parking too exy, so we just went to our fav thai restaurant which also has free parking! It was an enjoyable day indeed.