Saturday, 11 January 2014

Friend time!

Today, we were so determined to make perfect macarons - that turned into a failure. Several things went wrong >> they were cracked, mixture wasn't runny enough and was too grainy, undercooked. 
This is a speculation of what I think went wrong: The almondmeal and icing sugar mixture wasn't fine enough (might need to put it in a food processer and sieve it again) // The mixture was overmixed and aerated (explains why the foot is so fat and fluffy) // The castor sugar wasn't incorporated enough (next time will make sugar syrup) // Not enough egg white (our eggs were small which explains the thickness of the mixture - will use a weight next time) // The heat was too low (I'm still experimenting with temperatures in my oven)

With macarons, there's always things to amend and that's part of life. Aside from macarons, I had a really fun time with my two friends. We go way back and it's nice to spend some time together. :) 

At least we ended up together :') 

Our fail macarons :)