A year ago, on the 1st of February 2013, Jeff and I commenced this "read-the-bible-in-a-year plan". It involved reading 3-4 chapters of the Old Testament and 2-3 chapters of the New Testament each day for one year. This challenge was prompted by my wise and godly sunday school teacher. She said, "how can you call yourself a Christian if you haven't even read the whole bible at least once?" I couldn't agree more. It got me thinking of how to achieve this. I talked to J and he suggested choosing a random website on google. This was the one (highly recommended). It lets you choose which day to start reading, what version of the bible you want to read and how to split up the passages (e.g. OT --> NT or OT/NT each day). N
Now, I had tried to stick to reading the bible previously, but I had never really succeeded. I was always "too tired" or "couldn't be bothered". It was a leap of faith as I asked God to help me persevere with this. At first, J and I kept ourselves going by assigning a 'punishment' to the one who forgot/skipped a day of reading (shouting the other person green tea ice-cream). However, as we did our bible reading day-by-day, it got easier, and eventually we fell into a routine of doing so. I admit that I skipped about six days of reading, and Jeffy only skipped out on one or two. Rain or shine, travel or home, energetic or sleepy, joyful or angry, the bible had been read!
Here are some screenshots of the last few passages of the bible:
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Malachi 4 |
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Revelation 22 |
I remember during a sermon from a while ago, someone said words along the lines of this: "Isn't it amazing that the Old Testament ends with God bringing about a curse on men. Compare that to how the New Testament ends in Revelation - it ends with a blessing of Jesus' grace upon the saints (those who accept Christ as their Lord and Saviour). The gospel (what God has done for man in Jesus Christ) has turned a curse into a blessing. We have been pardoned from the penalty of our sin (death), and given something we do not deserve (eternal life with our Creator God) - all due to the infinite love of God."
So what now? Personally, I plan to study the bible in more depth. Reading the bible through this plan has given me an overview of the bible, but now is the time for detail. I will use my application bible to study shorter passages and meditate on God's word. Ignite strand group #2 definitely sparked a curiosity for the area of biblical theology and the Old Testament in me. I'm now reading the Goldsworthy Trilogy by Greame Goldsworthy, a theological professor in these two areas! I'm nearly finished the first book Gospel in Kingdom, and it has helped me develop a greater understanding of how the different epochs (periods of time/era) in the bible all point to the gospel. Biblical Theology is the process of interpreting what the bible says, and that's what I aim to do this year (at least). It's a pretty ambitions goal, but then again, reading the bible in one year was too!
For those struggling to read the bible, especially the dryer sections, the more you read, meditate, understand and apply, the more you will thirst for the Word of God. It is our spiritual food, which gives us strength to live out our lives in a joy, faith and hope that only comes from our Father in heaven.