Friday, 3 January 2014

Hot hot hot

When it's 42.9 degrees, what should one do with their day? I for one slept in, went swimming (and got my shoulders sunburnt), ate some vietnamese salad for lunch and did some reading in the a/c at home. 

Here I am with Jeffy, in my very fashionable toggs that were purchased when I was in primary school probably, and equipped with two sets of glasses on my face - one for when I'm underwater, and one for above the water. 110% hottie material. We usually swim in the indoor pool (more hot and humid), but today was an exception. The water was cool and refreshing, and I enjoyed not having to shudder and shiver when pulling myself out of the water when it was time to leave.

This morning, my grandma was admitted to the hospital for a chest examination. X-rays had shown a shadow within the thoracic region of her body (not a good sign) and it was possible that it represented a cancer of some sort. Our family quickly met in the lounge room and prayed for her. Later on when I was reading, my mum came in and announced that it was only pneumonia - easily treated by antibiotics and fluids. Praise God! What a wonderful testimony that He listens to our prayers. :)